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Frequently Dialed Numbers

General Information (Bankruptcy Court): (202) 354-3280

Rebecca A. Herr (Standing Chapter 13 Trustee): (301) 805-4700

United States Trustee's Office: (703) 557-7176

U.S. District Court Attorney Admissions: (202) 354-1110

D.C. Superior Court: (202) 879-1010

Greenbelt, MD U.S. Bankruptcy Court: (301) 344-8018

Alexandria, VA U.S. Bankruptcy Court: (703) 258-1200

Multi-Court Voice Case Information System: (866) 222-8079

PACER Registration & Billing: (800) 676-6856

U.S. Marshal's Office Information: (202) 353-0600

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia: (202) 354-3120

Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia: (202) 216-7000