A mailing matrix must conform to the following guidelines:
- A mailing matrix consists of eight or nine creditors per page with their complete addresses, clearly typed,1 left justified and centered in a single column down the middle of one side of an 8 ½" X 11" sheet of paper.
- The mailing matrix must be typed on blank, white, 20 lb. paper. Do not use textured, onion skin, or colored paper. This will cause our scanner to misread information. The paper should not have any stray lines, staples, or holes.
- The mailing matrix must be typed in one of the following standard typefaces or font styles: Courier 10 pitch or 12 pitch on a word processor; Prestige Elite 12 pitch; Letter Gothic 10 pitch on a typewriter. To ensure the scanner can read the matrix, it must be printed from a laser quality printer or typewriter.
- Each creditor’s address must be single-spaced. Triple-spaced between each address. A margin of at least one inch should appear at the top and bottom of each page.
Each creditor’s address must consist of no more than five total lines, including the creditor’s name, street address, city, state and zip code.
- No account numbers should be included on the matrix.
The city, state and zip code must all appear together on the final line of each creditor’s address. The zip code should never be dropped down to a separate line. No other lines of address information should appear after the city, state and zip code line.
- Commas must be placed between the city and state in the address.
- A "List of Creditors and Mailing Matrix" cover sheet should accompany the mailing matrix.2 This cover sheet should not be stapled to the mailing matrix but should be attached by a paper clip or a clamp. These pages should not be hole punched.
1 A pdf-fillable form for preparing the mailing matrix is available on our website. You may use the computer in the intake area at the clerk’s office to gain access to the website and to prepare and print out the mailing matrix.
2 The list required by Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(a) of creditors and certain other entities (the so-called List of Creditors) can be combined with the Mailing Matrix, and that simplifies the filing of the two documents. The requirement in the Guidelines of a List of Creditors and Mailing Matrix cover sheet assumes that the debtor is combining the two documents in a single document. The form cover sheet is available on our website in a pdf-fillable format. Debtors may use the computer in the intake area at the clerk’s office to gain access to the website and to prepare and print out the cover sheet.