The Court is excited to inform the bar that it is now participating and LIVE in the ChapMobile App! The App has virtually a real-time version of the Court’s docket and 341 hearings for a 30 day period. There are search functions by attorney and by case number. It is available for both Apple and Android. More information and usage instructions area available at the Bankruptcy Court of Utah’s website The website has YouTube tutorials and well as written instructions for how to use and view the App. This is the same app utilized by the Eastern and Western Districts of Virginia; you simply need to change the court to see the District of Columbia information! Because this technology was created by the Bankruptcy Court in Utah, we encourage anyone with questions on HOW to utilize the app OR suggestions on how to improve the app to send those to the Utah court via their website. Both Ms. Mathewes (Judge Gunn’s Courtroom Deputy) and Mr. Tabakin (Judge Gunn’s career law clerk) can give basic help on how to navigate the app.
Additionally, the Court would like to remind everyone of its Quarterly Brown Bag event, to be held this Friday, June 11, 2021 from 12:30 to 2:00 PM, EST. If you have already submitted your indication of interest, the Zoom link will be emailed out shortly. If you have not, please contact to receive the Zoom information. Judge Gunn will be happy to answer any ChapMobile questions and the Court’s AUST Michael Freeman will briefly discuss the new monthly/quarterly operating report forms.