Request for Notices of Electronic Filing
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Columbia now offers the opportunity to request receipt of filings via email, instead of U.S. mail, through the Court Management Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system.
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9036, a party may make a written request for delivery of notices via email, instead of U.S. mail. Through the CM/ECF system, electronic notice of all filings will be emailed to the requester. Parties requesting electronic notice must complete and file a Consent To Receive Notice Of Electronic Filing (NEF) form with this court.
The CM/ECF system will provide the party, via the NEF, with one free veiw of a PDF document. Please be advised that any subsequent viewing will require you to access PACER. There is no registration fee, however, the Judicial Conference of the United States has established a fee for access to information in PACER. All registered users will be charged as follows: Use of the PACER system will generate a $.10 per-page charge. Usage is billed on a quarterly basis. Pursuant to Judicial Conference policy, no account is billed for usage of less than $30 in a quarter. To access PACER click here.
Please Be Advised: Only the court is authorized to send notices to the debtor through CM/ECF system. All other parties, such as attorneys, trustees and creditors, will continue to serve the debtor via U.S. mail or in person as required by court rules.